Sunday, October 12, 2008

Blog3: Mini-research Assignment

We confront the problems because of global warming. As we realized, these are to solve by ours, and all countries. We discussed about the problems in our class, and I think the scarcity of food is the worst problem now.

By media, I can hear the news that many countries are suffering from food crisis almost everyday. More than 80% of people in Africa are suffering from lack of food, among them; about 65% of people are dying because of starvation. North Korea could not be worse. When I heard that North Koran ate human fresh, I was stunned.
This link is from Catholic Relief Service, and you can see a video which tells you how serious the food crisis in the world is.

Obviously, the food crisis comes from global warming. Therefore, we are able to infer to some solution to avoid a panic by food crisis. The United Nations and other countries are aiding food for poor countries, this is not ultimate solution. I would like to suggest some solutions to get over the food crisis. First, we have to stop wasting food. We are not feeling that we do not have food enough because we can get food easily abundantly. We spend lots of money to get rid of food remains. Save food! Save money, and send them to other countries. Second, if we fertilize deserts, or other barren lands, we are able to plant, and cultivate them to grow plants, and other crops. In addition, government’s policy would help to solve this problem. Many farmers are leaving to urban areas to get better lives. Therefore, government should support farmers financially, legally, and politically so that famers can put their all efforts to increase food productivity.

However, my pin point is that we have to realize this. More than half countries in the world will confront the food crisis soon. I am sure that if a small changing puts together, it would lead a big changing. It is just like a line which needs many small pots to complete a line. It is time to start to change by us.


Doctor X said...

Did you research your solutions?(not the problem). If so, it is not clear where you got your solutions. How feasible are they? Says whom?

HANA said...
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HANA said...

After I read your blog, I was confused why you said scarcity of food is worst problem of global warming because I thought lacking food for poor countries’ problems are continuing besides global warming; I thought this is economic issue specially North Korean, they are not starving because of global warming. But I totally agree other plan for this food crisis.